Spicing Up Exercise is Important
The Slide Board Pro was what I needed. I can have fun while keeping fit! I am very satisfied with this product. It helps give me variety and keeps my spirits high while the weight is kept down! This product is not just for hockey players. It is for the average person who wants variety and a fun way to work in exercise. It is a great piece of equipment for a beginner to use and progress with. The Slide Board Pro works in fun and fitness at the same time.
It is important for me to keep active. I lost 125 pounds and have kept it off for over six years now. I was a bullied, overweight child with low self-esteem and turned to food for comfort. I became a negative obese adult. As my weight piled on, so did the problems. I could no longer find my size in a store. Walking and stairs were chores. I could not play with my then three year old son. I could not ride certain rides due to weight restrictions. I had to sit out of activities because I tired easily. This was not the ideal life; I did not feel free. A car accident left me with two knee surgeries and a more broken spirit.

I mustered up enough courage to build a better life. I changed my mindset and came up with tips and tricks on how to overcome healthy eating obstacles that we face on a daily basis. After losing 125 pounds, I wrote a book with these tips that helped me keep the weight off: Goodbye Fatness, Hello Gorgeous! I was always stuck on diets but did not know how to handle obstacles. My tips and tricks worked so I decided to share. I did a TEDx talk (now on YouTube) called From Bullied to Bold. I give motivational speeches at various venues, including workplaces. It is my goal to help other so they do not have to suffer as I did at 272 pounds.
To keep my healthy lifestyle in check, I use the Slide Board Pro so fitness can be not only enjoyable, but something I can stick to. I first saw this when I was tutoring at a client's home. The student's younger brother was using it and it looked like fun. I wrote down the name of this board, but as the ex-scientist that I am, did research on what is out there. Competitor boards received a lot of negative reviews. The side boards were either uncomfortable or were coming off. The boards were not adjustable. HockeyShot's board is well made and is comfortable. It is adjustable so it is great to change stride length or simply make it tailored to whoever is using it. I slip the booties over my feet instead of sneakers and am ready to go! Another thing that is convenient is exercising in my own home. I do not have to worry about the proper gym attire and can be free to exercise if I have a few minutes available. I do not have to change into exercise gear; I simply jump on the board and get my exercise going in the time that is available.

It is a challenge to work in a healthy lifestyle when life is so busy. I work seven days a week! A lot of people, including myself at one time, say that there is not enough time to exercise. Well, make time, you are worth it! This piece of equipment makes it easy. Exercising for five to ten minutes is definitely doable and it is still a great workout. This could be set up in front of the television and can be enjoyed while watching programs. There are many kinds of exercises that can be done on this such as sliding lunges, gliding mountain climbers, and the standard skating.
For more of my story and tips/ tricks for a healthy lifestyle, you can order my book here
For additional tips and motivation, like my page: Weight Loss Problems and Solutions with Lori