Hockey Workout Equipment - Slideboard Pro
If you are looking for hockey workout equipment for off-ice stickhandling, passing, shooting or skating practice, the HockeyShot Slide Board Pro is a great setup for both kids and adults.
Available in both 8-foot and 10-foot models, the Slide Board Pro can be used for speed skating workouts, with the longer strides or for hockey skills and your more traditional skating movements.
The Slideboard Pro can be used on its own for practicing your stride, or you can mix it up with some passing rebounders, or stickhandling blocks or line it up to a road hockey net for shooting practice. Use it inside on your basement or laminate floor, outside on flat concrete or other smooth surface, or at the arena for a pre-game workout. Set up of the Slideboard Pro takes only minutes, and is completely portable in its own tote bag. Looking for a great gift set up for the hockey player in your family?
- Here are some accessories you can pick up to complement the Slideboard:
- Green Biscuit
- Extreme Stickhandling Ball
- Extreme Passing Kit
- Shooting Pads
- Targets & Tarps

Once you have your practice environment set up and are ready to get your Slideboard Pro assembled, lay the end bumpers down so the HockeyShot logo faces towards the floor. Lay the sliding surface down to the desired stride length. Finally, add the tightening screws to secure the Slideboard Pro to the length you want it, and put on the booties which are included with the kit.
You’ll find the foam on the bumpers will make the stride guards comfortable whether you are wearing booties or not. Be sure to supervise young children who are using the Slideboard, as it is slippery! Knee pads aren’t frowned upon for safety. You can use the Slideboard to practice your stride while you practice, (as you likely have guessed) to practice:
- Skating either with your hands free or with weights of some kind.
- While you practice stick handling
- Mixing it up with some passing with the Green Biscuit, a ball and the Extreme Passing Kit
- Shooting at a net or target
The Slideboard Pro is great to practice your skating stride year round, or to warm up before a game or practice. It is very compact for travelling and also only takes up a narrow piece of real estate on the floor if you are in a hallway or hotel room while travelling to an away game.
If you are off the ice and want that familiar motion to train your mind and body to multitask while skating and navigating the puck, you can't beat the Slideboard Pro!
HockeyShot Slide board pro
Step up your passing game with HockeyShot's Extreme Passer Pro! Work on shuffle passes, bullet crosses, and even long leaders.