We like to think of Coach Jeremy’s Skills Series as building blocks to the component of a great shot. As Coach Jeremy points out, there are many components that go into a good shot, so you need a good foundation of building blocks so that you can practice all your skills and take them to the ice.
The next building block Coach Jeremy shares with us helps you isolate part of your shot so that you can generate more power and improve the accuracy in your release. The best way to do this is to isolate your upper body to see how much power you have. How do you remove your legs from a shooting drill you might ask? Simple, you kneel!

After you have laid down your All-Star Dryland Flooring Tiles , you can practice your shot from kneeling on either 1 or 2 knees, or sitting on something, depending on your size. Using only your upper body without relying on weight transfer you can test your hockey strength and pay attention to how you get power in your shot. This also helps you improve your shot.
Depending on your skill level Coach Jeremy recommends using the Lightweight 4 oz. Pucks to make sure you are able to build some momentum and get a good snap. This drill helps you improve how much power you shoot with, and challenges your body to get a decent shot even when you aren’t lined up in the perfect situation. This hockey training drill forces you to get outside of your comfort zone and forces your body to adapt.

This drill is extremely important, even if it makes you feel a bit silly. Just remember to listen to Coach Jeremy’s advice to always use a shooting tarp, like the Crowd Goes Wild Shooting Tarp. As your skill improves so will your power, and an all-star player needs an Premium Home Training Centre to keep your game up all year round.